Virtual Office

We are one of the market leader in providing the virtual office in HK ,our packge price is $1200 hk dollars per year , inculding but not limited to , registered address , ordinary post service ,mail transfer service ,independent tel no with receptional service by company name reply and recording the message service , and message transfer immediately service , etc .

Should you any any enquries ,please contact our consultancy , LA ,by our hotline 2687 5558,
email ,whatsapp ,wechat , etc



LA 註冊會計香港其中一間市場佔有率最高的公司提供虛擬寫字樓服務,本公司的套餐價錢每年$1200,服務包括註冊地址提供一般郵件、郵件傳遞服務、獨立電話、呼叫公司名稱及紀錄信息、即時訊息傳遞等。

如有任何查詢歡迎聯絡我們的顧問 Tel 26875558, email, whatsapp, wechat, etc.